The Former teacher becomes a player of Team Liquid in Hearthstone

Hearthstone Streamer known as Slysssa has signed a contract with Team Liquid. 

In the announcement of the transition to the club, the girl tells how she has started to stream and what she’s been going through for that.


«I have never played as a professional when I started to stream. But when I have won over a few strong players in DreamHack Austin, I had realised that I can compete. From that moment I started to work on becoming the best».

Slysssa also told why she has decided to stream. In 2018 she was diagnosed with  Crohn’s disease.

Crohn’s disease

She survived severe surgery and after that managed to return to college.  After that, Slysssa became a physical training teacher in school. However, because of stress and diagnosis she started to experience other illnesses. Then her husband offered her to try herself as Hearthstone streamer.

Earlier Blizzard Entertainment had shared the statistics of Hearthstone for 2020. According to the company this game attracted 23.5 millions active players in 12 months, who spent 669,2 million hours in battlegrounds mode matches.